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Säkerhetskniv MARTOR SECUNORM 500
Begär offert
Robust och ergonomisk säkerhetskniv.
Den nya säkerhetskniven Martor Secunorm 500 är delvis gjord av aluminium. Detta gör den extremt lätt och hållbar. Kniven har en ny utformning och sitter väldigt bra i handen och passar sig också för vänsterhänta. Knivbladets utlösare är delvis av gummi och gör den ergonomisk att använda. Knivbladet åker in automatiskt då man frigör utlösaren. Knivbladet är lätt att byta ut, tryck bara på knappen. Den lossnar inte i misstag då man byter ut det, kniven är försedd med en magnet som håller knivbladet duktigt fast. Knivbladets ända är rundformad som gör den tryggare att använda. Skärdjup t.o.m. 1,7 cm.
The safety knife. With rounded-tip trapezoid blade.
Over 40 years ago the SECUNORM PROFI set standards in safety, robustness and ergonomics. Its successor goes several steps further. For example, the new aluminium handle significantly improves handling and makes cutting easier, the new slider can be operated from both sides and the blade change has been made so much simpler. Together these improvements combine with the proven automatic blade retraction to increase protection from cutting injuries.
All highlights at a glance.

Ergonomic handle
The good “Ergonomics” can be felt all over the SECUNORM 500, for example in the newly shaped handle which fits comfortably into the hand. Or in details such as the nicely rounded knife end or the non-slip soft-grip on the slider.

Abrasion resistant
The robust aluminium handle is designed for the most demanding and frequent cutting tasks. Like its popular predecessor, it is a tough all-rounder capable of taking on any cutting challenge.

Double-sided slider
With the predecessor, the SECUNORM PROFI, there were both left and right handed models. With the modern successor, anyone can cut effectively – with the ability to change hands when the task requires it.

Tool-less blade change
Blade changing without tools. The SECUNORM 500 comes with an intuitively operated blade change button. Press once to remove the blade carrier with its securely held blade.

Blade changing made easy
The blade cover remains in the required position when opened. The blade is then easy to access and is removed using the bladeless edge, avoiding risk of injury.
Automatic blade retraction – a high degree of safety
The automatic blade retraction of the SECUNORM 500 guarantees a high degree of safety from cut injuries. As soon as you have started to cut, take your thumb off the slider. Then the blade will retract into the handle immediately after leaving the material being cut.

Article number | 50000100 |
Size | 143 x 16 x 36 mm |
Weight | 72.5 g |
Material | Aluminium |
Blade | TRAPEZOID BLADE NO. 65232 |
Blade change | Yes |
Stainless steel | Yes see webstore |
Detectable | No |
Color | Silver/blue |
Food safe | No |
Order number | 50000110.02 |
Cutting depth | 17 mm |
Packaging unit | 1 in single unit box / 10 pieces in multipack |
GS-Certificate | 603574-6653-55094-2018/2 |